
Original and raw news is brought to you every day.

What sets PopsMe apart from other news platforms out there, you ask?

PopsMe is a multi-platform news and media company that seeks to provide you with the most reliable information.

Our reporters are constantly asking questions, digging answers and looking at bigger and thorough images behind important stories. This is what distinguishes us. We provide more background information at our start than any other site.

So many reporters today drown the truth of their news articles, only present information that they believe people want to hear. It creates empty, biased, and petty stories - stories that are "front page" news one day and then archived and forgotten the next day.

We started to ask ourselves where stories were reported for months, or even years ago. Is there more to this story? Is there any information we are not told? From these questions, PopsMe comes true.

We're here to connect the missing parts, to change what you notice. We're here to provide you with real, raw, and authentic stories that match your time.

Our mission is to spread good joy and vibration to the millions of visitors who visit our site every day, through humor, inspiration, courage, nature, relationships, happiness, intrigue and beauty stories. At PopsMe, there's something for everyone, and we want you to be a part of it.

We invite you to engage by commenting and sharing our posts, and being part of our community here and on Facebook.

Here are some questions and answers that will help you familiarize yourself with our site.

Q: How do I contribute to PopsMe?
A: You can contribute by liking our page and interacting with our story. We want to know what you think Also, be sure to share your favorite stories with friends through the share buttons in each article. You can also sign up for our newsletter, and forward that email to your relatives and friends.

Q: Can I send a story to PopsMe?
A: If you have an amazing story you want to share with us, send an email to our senior editor here. If we feel the story is suitable for our site, we will post it. Keep in mind, we get so many requests that we can not respond to everything.

Q: Is PopsMe free?
A: Yes! PopsMe will always be free to visit and use.

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